[In a parallel CHOGM, perhaps....]
Fellow Commonwealth leaders, ministerial
and parliamentary colleagues, delegates from around the Commonwealth, other
distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, I extend a warm welcome to all of
you on behalf of the citizens of Sri Lanka, a resplendent and resilient land
whose cultural ethos if marked by anything is signature by the privileging of
the quality of equanimity. We take our
joys and sorrows, fame and misfortune, profits and losses, praise and blame
with a smile.
It is customary to allude to our
shared past, refer to complexities of that past and the resolve by members to
reinvent the collective that emerged from these commonalities. We are gathered here, men and women from
different cultures and of different faith. We will speak about the commonwealth
of values and the responsibility and accountability embedded in the idea of
membership. If I were to pin it down to
essence, two words remain: free and equal.
Re-invention implies a break from
the past, a forgiving and forgetting, a restoration of civilization, recovery
of dignity and such. This is good. It is good because it says that condescension
has no place in this forum. It is good
because there can be no more ‘talking down’ or ‘talking tough’. That’s what equality means.
What does ‘free’ mean? It means we can be frank with one
another. It means we can be
friends. The Buddha whose teachings more
than anything else has shaped the culture and civilization of this country,
talks about two categories of friends, those who are virtuous and those who are
evil. True friends will criticize to
face, with praise in absence; evil friends are not really friends, they smile
to face and ridicule behind the back.
Let us be true to one another, therefore. Let us have conversation and not
monolog. Let us draw deep from the
philosophies that have nurtured and sustained us during the colonial encounter,
given us the strength of character to recover from the bludgeoning we’ve
received and venture forth with confidence to expand the horizons of
Of all things bequeathed to my
country during colonial rule, one stands out: the opportunity for my people to
encounter a man called Jesus Christ. His life inspires, his word empowers. Some
of us are theists and others are atheists, but both categories of people can
benefit from the Sermon on the Mount, which prescribes ways of being and
engagement that resonates with the teachings of the Buddha Siddhartha Gauthama
and Prophet Mohammed.
Let their teachings frame our
deliberations and guide is on issues of propriety. I do not have to tell my learned and
respectable friends that stone-throwing is what we wanted to put behind us when
we became members of this august body. We can and must resist the human urge to
be passionate for passion dulls reason. We must instead privilege wisdom,
exercise caution and always keep in mind that we, as recipients and givers of
much blackness in the past, would do well to recognize complexity and
acknowledge context. If we do not, we
would quickly slip to a point where statement degenerates into shout and
conversation becomes a competition to see who has the shriller voice. We can do better, I am convinced.
We have met before. Many times.
We’ve made our points, talked about commonalities and the commonwealth
of ideas and values. And yet, it seems
that we have allowed rhetoric to triumph over substance. Perhaps out of a reluctance to state the
disconcerting, chosen to skirt vital issues that are also common to many of
us. We have on many occasions chosen to
look the other way when member state bullies fellow member state, when member
state joins with non-member to bully fellow-member and when our members
themselves are perpetrators of aggression that is an affront to our collective
humanity. We have to decide, friends,
whether we want to continue like this.
We could chose to tread the tired
paths we’ve walked on all these years.
We can make the same tired speeches drawn from easy templates. We can use this forum to spout venom, we can
paint ourselves as saints who can do no wrong, we can air our pet peeves and we
can say a lot without saying anything of substance.
If that is the best we can do, I am
afraid that this gathering is a colossal waste of time. If we, as a collective, cannot come up with
creative and pragmatic solutions to the problems that beset our peoples such as
poverty, hunger, limited access to health and education, development that
compromises the idea of sustainability, the poisoning of soils and people by
toxic substances, the hoodwinking of less-informed consumers by unethical
pharmaceutical companies and so on, then we might as well resolve to close
This Commonwealth of Nations can be
better that it has hitherto been.
The people of Sri Lanka warmly
welcome you. Wherever you go, there’s
one thing you will find. A smile. We
hide our sorrows well, we spread the joy.
We say to you, ‘Come, partake’. And to those who’ve seen this country
through borrowed eyes, I can do no better than say what the Buddha Siddhartha
Gauthama said of his doctrine, Ehi
Passiko, ‘Come, Explore!’
Sabbe Satta Bhavantu Sukhitatta
May all beings be happy.
It is 7a.m in Monaco & my coffee has become salty, salty with the tear drops that had fallen in to it.Malinda this speech is both touching , humane,and enlightening. Lets all live up to it!!
Thank you!! this should be the spirit of th people of this beautiful country, my Sri Lanka!
Very proud of you. Your genuine love and passion for the country and its people teamed with clear vision is what separates you from most other intellectuals.
Look back on the leadership we have had in the past,self respect and equality amongst citizens of the planet is a key factor,is this not the era when so many wrongs have been corrected and others are being addressed.We will never see a perfect world but being on the path we are on track,we have to be positive and strengthen his hand to go forward with head held high inspite of all sorts that make the world including you and I.
තනි ඇහැට ඇඩෙනවා බොස්. පංකාදුයි. කට පුරා ලොක්කා කියන්න පුලුවන් ඔබතුමාට!
high-minded words
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