The adjective
has been tagged to the verb ‘American.’ Over the past few weeks, it has
been used when referring to Minister Basil Rajapaksa. Subjective. After
all beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and, by implication, so too
Ugliness is not the preserve of any country or any
group of people although the beauty or otherwise of the powerful get
more views on account of visibility and therefore invite greater
frequency of comment.
‘Eyes of the beholder,’ that’s key here,
‘eye’ being a metaphor of course and a proxy for political and
ideological preferences of all kinds. A few caveats need to be mentioned
before proceeding. First, it is not the case that all Sri Lankans
(politicians included of course) are ‘beautiful.’ Second, we need to
understand that there are degrees of prettiness.
importantly, we need to distinguish between America (or rather the
United States of America) and citizens of that country. When I say
‘America’ or the ‘USA’ I refer to its foreign policy and overall
footprint in the global political economy. I note also that it’s not a
bare foot that’s leaving the print. It’s a jackboot, so to speak, that’s
walked roughshod on peoples, territories, cultures. Now that’s not
THAT America, ladies and gentlemen, is not pretty.
And this is why the moralistic posturing by THAT America and her allies
(who are, in this regard, in the very least accessories after the facts
of deceit, plunder and genocide) regarding ‘Ukraine.’
Interesting place. Interesting location, socially, politically and
economically in the global arena. A theatre of many kinds. It is after
all a bone of contention, an invaded territory, home to good and bad
people including Neo-Nazis who have been and are actively supported by
the political leadership and an exhibition hall for weapons vendor among
other things.
In the midst of shelling, dying, people being
rendered homeless and functioning as pawns in a global political game,
sanctions, sports politics and other things not uncommon but went under
the West’s radar and were skirted by a media pliant to Washington-wish,
an American writer, reviewing a novel (Glory) by No Violent Bulawayo,
made an interesting observation: ‘Dictators who “rule and rule and keep
ruling,” are equitably distributed. Jinping (10 years), Erdoğan (19),
Lukashenko and Assad (22), Mussolini and Putin (23), and Mbasogo (43)
put paid to the notion that dictatorships are the province of people of a
certain hue. NoViolet Bulawayo’s brilliant novel, ‘Glory,' writes into
this reality, and how.’
My response to the beautifully written
review published in the Boston Globe (‘Chasing out the old horse’) was
as follows: “Yes, looks good. i think the 'art' of 'dictatorship' was
perfected by the west. they don't have individuals ruling and ruling and
ruling but have systems that go on and on and on....they just regularly
change their CEOs. it's a pernicious monarchy, sweetened by the
‘The task of keeping sight of and offering a compassionate hand to - even if that "hand" is ONLY the matter of saying "I see you are suffering. I see some viciousness is being perpetrated against you." - is not antithetical to noticing, commenting on, and fighting the good fight against the larger set of circumstances.
‘Long as I live, I will never ignore anybody - no matter what they look like, or to which bloc they belong, or whether one set of people are being ignored and another attended to because I am not doing that ignoring - black lives matter, Palestine, Ukraine. People. I'm going to standupfightback as they say.’
A lovely American, then, in my book, although someone may claim my gaze is skewed; she is my sister.
No one’s perfect. Everyone has flaws. Perfect beauty does not exist. There are blemishes, always. Flip it, and it means there’s something good in everyone. A representative of THAT America, however, is not babe in the woods. And all representatives have track-records. These cannot be ignored.
So. Compared to THAT America (in its political, economic, military totality) a rep would seem innocuous, but let us not be deceived. Julie J Chung, for example, was quite sweet when she said she’s looking forward to serving ‘in this beautiful island.’ Even cuter, one might say, when she, as reported, started learning Sinhala and Tamil.
But. She. Is. The. Representative. Of. THAT. American. The punctuation is for stress. Didn’t take her too long to show us that she’s representing pretty well. Scarcely had the warmth of formalities such as presenting credentials, Chung invites (she has every right to choose whom to invite, of course) a set of NGO personalities with pretty dubious credentials. Any party that has the likes of Jehan Perera and Paikiasothy Saravanamutt (the others more or less belong to aspirants for favoured status, one could say) as preferred guests tells us a lot about the hosts. Not that we needed confirmation, given how disingenuous the USA has been in her ‘friendship’ with Sri Lanka.
And now, there’s talk that Victoria Nuland, the Undersecretary for Political Affairs, who famously said ‘f*&$ the EU’ (as evidenced by a leaked phone call tape), is to visit Sri Lanka. Here’s a comment from the website
who is ugly, really? And who is uglier/prettier? Beauty is just skin
deep, we know. What’s under the skin is what counts, really. This is
where track records count, histories matter and who one is really
representing says the most. Got to read between the lines, except in
this instance the lines of THAT America is quite transparent.
This article was first pubished in the Daily Mirror on March 17, 2022
Seneviratne is the Director/CEO of the Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian
Research and Training Institute. These are his personal views.]
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