16 March 2015

Get off our backs, Ranil!

Kolombians are a distinct people from Colombo who know much -- so much that they are wont to think that others don't know and can't think. They have things to say.  A lot of things to say.  The entire country can learn from them. This is the twenty first in a series published in 'The Nation' under the title 'Notes of an Unrepentant Kolombian'.  Scroll down for other articles in this series. 

‘Good Governance’ for us is about one thing and one thing only: governance that serves the interests of Kolombians.  Birthright. It is as simple as that. 

This is why I am a bit peeved with Ranil about cowing down to Maithripala and appointing a committee to look into allegations of insider trade implicating the Central Bank Governor.  The only good thing about it is that the investigators are all lawyers. Everyone knows that this particular tribe has been cozy with the UNP.  Well, the majority at least.  My bet is that the three worthies were all part of the ‘UNP Lawyers’ Collective’.  If that’s the case, our man is safe.

But all that is beside the point.   The point is that Ranil seems to have forgotten he’s a Kolombian.  He’s gone way overboard with the good governance thing; i.e. good governance a la Maithripalanaya.  Good governance Kolombian-style is ok, as mentioned above.   I am more than a tad annoyed with young Harsha De Silva as well, for he’s being promising to get to the bottom of the affair.  It is one thing to rant and rave about the previous regime but this is something else.  After all Mahinda and Co were not really Kolombians, although they did look after our larger interests.  In this instance, Harsha is acting the turncoat.  He can’t do this to our guys.  It’s not cricket. 

Arjuna Mahendran stands accused.  His son-in-law made some bucks. Well, not just some bucks, but a ton.  Then again, there’s nothing illegal there.  The question being asked is, ‘how did he know?’ Yaaaawn!  That requires an investigation?  It is quite the done thing, didn’t Harsha know? 

Now it is not as though young Arjuna Aloysius, the smart son-in-law, cottoned on to the immense potentials of the investment world after papa-in-law became Governor.  The boy was always smart.   He started making bucks long before anything thought Maithripala should contest.  Now we don’t know if everything he did at the time was above board, but it is not strange that those who said there was hanky panky under Mahinda have gone silent on investigating those so-called mega deals. 

If anyone made mega deals, trust me, there has to be a Kolombian at the bottom of it because you need to be clever to do such things and there are none cleverer than our boys and girls.  And that’s exactly the problem here.  If Ranil, Harsha and others are keen to probe our man Mahendran, why on earth don’t they show any enthusiasm about investigating the racketeers in the previous regime?  They got that one right but they are so wrong in this instance.  That’s double-standards.  Inconsistency.  To me it spells ‘ominous’. 

There are no half-way measures when it comes to taking care of Kolombian interests.  There can’t be compromise.  Ranil’s problem is that he has scripted compromise by bringing in this good governance nonsense.  Now I have nothing against rhetoric, white lies and reneging on election promises, but it is scandalous to take your own rhetoric seriously. 

Right now I am wondering and folks this is really serious: is Ranil a closet yakko or let’s say a yakko-wannabe?  I certainly hope not.  Now that he has appointed a panel of lawyers to investigate, they should hurry up and come to the ‘logical’ conclusion: NOT GUILTY.  And that’s it.  We don’t want any more investigations into any Kolombian.  If Ranil doesn’t comply we will outcast him, along with all this good governance, maithripaalanaya and what not.  We are serious. 

There is a thing called white collar crime.  It means ‘crimes which go unpunished’.  In Sri Lanka you could also call it Kolombian Crime.  We do it.  No punishment.  That’s the cardinal rule.  Yakkos, now, are different.  If they cross the line they get rapped on their knuckles.  Kolombian knuckles are un-rappable.  Ranil has to understand this.  Or risk it all. 

 Other articles in this series: